Monday 28 September 2009


Today I took your rock-a-tot car-seat on a tour of second hand shops. I knew that many would turn me away in the name of Health and Safety -" in what respect?" I asked. "Well, if there was something wrong with it, say it had been in a car smash, and there was an accident, then we would be in trouble." Oh. That.
But maybe not in quite so much trouble as the little baby who inhabited this little seat, the little baby who happily swung in it from my arm, smiled and clapped her hands from it whilst catching my attention in the car. Who made many a sickly trip in it from home to hospital. No - there's nothing wrong with the seat - it's the poor child that was in trouble.
As I swung out of the car door again, I was pretending, relishing that oh-so-familiar feeling of old, (swinging baby on crook of arm nonchalantly, whilst grabbing keys, phone , purse) How i used to enjoy that ease and everyday-ness that I knew would always be cut short, through death and not through you growing up.
At the next shop I showed up and defensively slammed the seat on the counter. " I suppose you will tell me you don't want this - for Health and Safety". The lady blinked in incomprehension. "No - well - er I don't think so." (Looks at colleague for reinforcement) "We'd love to have it".
"Well, there's nothing wrong with it. My two babies used this. It belonged to my daughter and I lost her, so, I want it to go to a good home". Bang Wham. Throat hot and eyes burning. Lady looked sympathetic. Afterthought - I hope she didn't think I lost her in a car-smash and damaged the car-seat as well, thus causing aforementioned Health and Safety concerns.
I forgot to take a picture of it - but you can see it there now, on the shelf, empty, rocking- and -totting. There, my darling. It's not easy , is it.

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